To improve kids' health throughout underserved communities

To fund intiatives that will measurably improve the health of children within one to three years
KIDS HEALTH VISTA is an organization founded by Wisconsin business and healthcare leaders who are committed to improving children’s healthcare in rural communities.
Kids Health Vista funds initiatives in children’s healthcare with a bias toward social determinants of health, primary care, rural health, healthcare access, non-academic medical centers, critical access hospitals and medical centers.
Kids Health Vista raises money for these initiatives through Chula Vista Resort with silent and live auctions and a golf outing on the resort’s historic Cold Water Canyon Golf Course.
Kids Health Vista is honored to receive the Community Star recognition from the

Due to the COVID-19 virus
the future date
of this event at
Chula Vista Resort
will be announced
as soon as possible.

The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH),
congratulate KIds Health Vista for being selected as this year’s 2020 Community Star representing the state of Wisconsin.
On November 19, 2020, the 10th Annual National Rural Health Day, we will honor and celebrate Kids Health Vistas exceptional contributions to rural health by sharing your story and others from across the United States in the official book of Community Stars. Stars.